Aya Matsuki


劇場版TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~
厚生労働省の威信をかけて創設された精鋭医療チーム「YOKOHAMA MER」。「TOKYO MER」をしのぐ最先端の技術と、国際的に活躍するスタッフを結集したエリート集団だ。彼らを率いるチーフドクター鴨居友は、「危険を冒しては、救えない命がある」と、どんな時も冷静沈着な救命のプロ。危険な現場にも勇敢に飛び込み「待っているだけじゃ、救えない命がある」と熱く理想を追う「TOKYO MER」のチーフドクター喜多見幸太とは、正に水と油の関係だ。そんな中、横浜・みなとみらいの美しい街並みが炎に包まれる前代未聞の緊急事態が発生。平和な海辺の街は大混乱に陥り、数千人が命の危険にさらされる中、対立する2つの医療チームは、すべての患者の命を救えるのか!?
Hana Nochi Hare: HanaDan Next Season
Ten years have passed since Tsukushi Makino and Domyoji's F4 graduated from Eitoku Academy - a once prestigious school which is now suffering a decline in funding and student enrollment. Oto attends Eitoku Academy but is secretly just a"commoner" who is struggling financially due to the bankruptcy of her father's company. She is afraid her secret will be disclosed if she becomes the target of "commoner hunting" which Kaguragi's C5 is doing to maintain the school's dignity. Meanwhile, Momonozono Academy where Tenma Hase serves as student council president is quickly catching up to Eitoku Academy as a result of Tenma's achievements. Tenma and Oto are in fact engaged to one another and are to be married, but only on the condition that Oto attends Eitoku Academy until she turns 18.