Osada Ikue


18世紀後半、東北。冷害による食糧難に苦しむ村で、人々から蔑まされながらも逞しく生きる少女・凛。 彼女の心の救いは、盗人の女神様が宿ると言われる早池峰山だった。ある日、凛の父親・伊兵衛が村中を揺るがす事件を起こす。 家を守るため、村人達から責められる父をかばい、凛は自ら村を去る。 決して越えてはいけないと言い伝えられる山神様の祠を越え、山の奥深くへと進む凛。 狼達から逃げる凛の前に現れたのは、化け物なのか人間なのかもわからぬ不思議な存在であった。
The novelist Shiga Naoya lives with his wife Haruko and their 4-year-old daughter Saeko. He is paranoid about Saeko’s health, making her wear heavy clothes even in summer in order to prevent her from catching a cold. Their child before Saeko died due to an epidemic, and he believes thorough enforcement is a natural consequence. In 1918, the Spanish flu reaches Japan. As the number of infected people grows, Shiga starts to suspect their servant Ishi might have gone to watch a travelling entertainment troupe’s performance which drew a great number of villagers. It is something Ishi is likely to do. But when Shiga questions her, she says that she did not go. However, she makes him have misgivings on a regular basis and he decides to take this opportunity to make her quit. An uproar ensues. Shiga feels that he has become a tyrant and refrains from kicking her out but he loses all reason and faith in humanity amid the pandemic…