
Mumbai Saga
The film, set in the 1980s and 90s, chronicles the transformation of Bombay to Mumbai. The story is a cat and mouse game between a deadly don, Amartya Rao, who doesn’t think twice before killing, and there’s nobody who could stop him and a cop, who is dogging his every step.
Sachin Ashok Yadav dedicates his film “Kondan” to all those self-reliant women residing in the rural areas. Yadav's Kondan not only deals with the plight of a widow who struggles to take care of her children without anybody's financial aid but also focuses on multiple subplots like corrupt mechanisms of the bureaucracy and especially stresses on the matter of self-reliance. This film beautifully carves the need of self-reliant spirit in each human beings in order to rise up against all difficulties and ventilates an air of encouragement inside us.