Jeong Seung-koo


Mr. XXX-Kisser
Oh Dong-sik is the completely rigid character who has always led a text-book life. Dong-sik is threatened by loan sharks when his mother signs up for a private loan in order to advance Dong-sik’s father’s promotion into the principal position. Dong-sik decides to become the best insurance seller in his newly transferred insurance sales team, but sales is a major challenge for the completely tactless and obstinate Dong-sik. Then one day, Dong-sik has a chance encounter with Hyugosoo, the legendary ‘master of tongue’ of insurance sales industry. Hyugosoo bends his rules and accepts Dong-sik as his pupil, and Dong-sik begins to learn Hyugosoo’s secrets of flattery after a great struggle. Will his teachings indeed reinvent Dong-sik into ‘Mr. Ass-Kisser’?
Mr. XXX-Kisser
Oh Dong-sik is the completely rigid character who has always led a text-book life. Dong-sik is threatened by loan sharks when his mother signs up for a private loan in order to advance Dong-sik’s father’s promotion into the principal position. Dong-sik decides to become the best insurance seller in his newly transferred insurance sales team, but sales is a major challenge for the completely tactless and obstinate Dong-sik. Then one day, Dong-sik has a chance encounter with Hyugosoo, the legendary ‘master of tongue’ of insurance sales industry. Hyugosoo bends his rules and accepts Dong-sik as his pupil, and Dong-sik begins to learn Hyugosoo’s secrets of flattery after a great struggle. Will his teachings indeed reinvent Dong-sik into ‘Mr. Ass-Kisser’?
Assistant Director
「スキャンダル」のチョン・ドヨンが渾身の演技でカンヌ国際映画祭主演女優賞に輝いた感動の人生ドラマ。最愛の息子を失い、理不尽な運命に打ちのめされたヒロインの魂の彷徨と再生への道のりを、抑えたタッチで丁寧に綴ってゆく。共演は「グエムル -漢江の怪物-」のソン・ガンホ、監督は「オアシス」のイ・チャンドン。シングルマザーのシネは、幼い息子ジュンと2人で、亡き夫の故郷・密陽(ミリャン)に引っ越し再出発を誓う。自動車修理工場の社長ジョンチャンは、シネの気を惹こうと何かと世話を焼くが、シネは彼を俗物男と評して冷ややかな対応。そしてようやく新生活も落ち着きを見せ始めたとき、思いもよらぬ悲劇が彼女を襲う。