

Untitled (M*A*S*H)
Production Assistant
Leigh’s video work Untitled (M*A*S*H) (2018) imagines a fictive order of black nurses operating on the front of the Korean War, a conflict that began between the United States and North Korea in 1950 and never officially ceased. Like M*A*S*H—the long-running American TV show (1972–83) it parodies—the work directs attention to the overlooked life in the staging grounds. Showcasing the agonizing choices faced by those who staff the tented encampments of war, it perhaps also serves as a reminder that our neighborhoods remain a warfront too. Using only artist’s tools, Leigh asks: How do we transform ourselves and others?
Macalla Chill Áirne
A dramatic recreation of the Victorian era tour of Killarney's lakes. There are six people aboard a boat, two silent musicians, two boatmen speaking Irish, two women, English. One boatman's brother is on the run from the police, one of the ladies has lost her wedding ring. Macalla Chill Áirne, as well as being a recreation of a Victorian era tour of Killarney, culminating in a musical performance by the Eagle's Nest mountain, also echos conflict and delves into the chasms that appear when cultures clash. The Victorian tour of old ended with the loud report of a cannon resounding through the surrounding wild. In loving memory of Séan Garvey, ar dheis dé go raibh a anam dílis.