Takahiro Iwasaki


10代、20代、30代のそれぞれの年代の現代女性たちが迎える処女喪失をテーマに描いたオムニバス作品。『たまの映画』の今泉力哉、『アワ・ブリーフ・エタニティ/OUR BRIEF ETERNITY』の福島拓哉、『家族X』の吉田光希といった新進気鋭の監督が同テーマで作品を作り上げ、理想通りとはいい切れない、切ないロストバージンの物語を紡いでいく。各作品のヒロインを佐藤睦、大崎由希、正木佐和が演じるほか、『ゲゲゲの女房』の監督を務めた鈴木卓爾やミュージシャンの三上寛など個性豊かな面々が出演。女性たちの複雑でリアルな心理が胸に迫る。
In Tokyo, the new type of virus called Emanon has spread out. Once people infected by the virus, they lose their most important person's memory. Teru, a guy who spends his life lazily, met his previous girlfriend Mio. But she has infected by the virus and forgot about him. Because of the virus, the world has plunged into confusion and it's been growing as a global pandemic. In the meantime, Teru and Mio restarted their relationship but he also infected and lost the memory about Mio. Tokyo fall into a turmoil and shattered. Teru and Mio ended up in the countryside where they've been before.
Two friends meet, drink and try to sleep with women.