Raffaele Colamonici


Mina... fuori la guardia
Executive Producer
A famous singer is drafted and gets the occasion of getting rid of his annoying girlfriend. He falls in love with a young student who finds out she is a singer herself.
Fra' Manisco cerca guai
Executive Producer
Father Pacifico is a genuine friar with a brisk manner, for this reason he is nicknamed Father Manisco. The religious finds himself grappling with a thorny case, as Don Liborio, a Neapolitan lord, dominates all local events, including the love choices of his young daughter. Father Pacifico manages to restore harmony and order despite a thousand difficulties.
Red Love
Three crooks scheme to swindle a wealthy widow out of her fortune, but their plans are thwarted by the sudden return of her husband who is far from dead.
La grande rinuncia
La bisarca
Totò le Mokò
Production Coordinator
Mobster Pepé Le Mokò dies during a shootout with the police. His gang decide that his successor will be a relative of his from Naples: Antonio Lumaconi (Totò Le Mokò), a street musician.
Ti conosco, mascherina!
Production Manager
An unscrupulous theatrical agent introduces his latest "discovery" to an elderly baron who becomes infatuated with her.
I Do Not Move
Production Manager
Former batsman Carlo Mezzetti, who has been left homeless with his daughter Annuccia, takes advantage of favorable situations and legal loopholes to find temporary accommodation, illegally occupying vacant houses.
Il nemico
Casanova farebbe così!
Production Manager
A country braggart bets that he can spend a night with a local beauty. When he is surprised by her husband, he is not only forced to pay his friends money but also challenged to come up with a new identity other than Casanova or Don Juan.
Non ti pago!
Production Manager
The owner of a lottery store refuses to pay a large sum won by one of his workers that he hates, because that man received the winning numbers in a dream.
Un marito per il mese di aprile
Production Manager
Il destino in tasca
Production Manager
L'ultimo scugnizzo
Lasciate ogni speranza
Executive Producer