「愛がなんだ」の今泉力哉監督が稲垣吾郎を主演に迎え、オリジナル脚本で撮りあげたラブストーリー。 フリーライターの市川茂巳は、編集者である妻・紗衣が担当している人気若手作家と浮気していることに気づいていたが、それを妻に言い出すことができずにいた。その一方で、茂巳は浮気を知った時に自身の中に芽生えたある感情についても悩んでいた。そんなある日、文学賞の授賞式で高校生作家・久保留亜に出会った市川は、彼女の受賞作「ラ・フランス」の内容に惹かれ、その小説にモデルがいるのなら会わせてほしいと話す。 市川の妻・紗衣を中村ゆり、高校生作家・久保を玉城ティナ、市川の友人・有坂正嗣を若葉竜也、有坂の妻・ゆきのを志田未来、紗衣の浮気相手・荒川円を佐々木詩音が演じる。
Naomi, a student dropout, only believes in things he can touch. However, when he really wants to touch someone, he recoils. As is the case when he befriends Maki, a happy-go-lucky young man who lives with Midori, a blind woman who dreamily expounds about places she has never been. When Midori becomes seriously ill, Maki and Naomi send her tapes from an imaginary trip around the world. Their relationship becomes more intimate whilst recording, but they only dare engage in rough, painful horseplay. Hesitations, feints, social pressure and awkwardness colours this sensitively told tale of two young men as they become intimate with one another – a rare story of a gay relationship in Japanese indie film.
Eiko has repeated flashbacks from childhood. In that place where she is enveloped by a huge noise, a boy starts running and Eiko falls off a swing. Are they memories or dreams, or are they the present day, or do they belong to someone else? The sound expands. That’s really something huge.
The young couple has been together for a year. The young woman is so beautiful in pictures of Utamaro. And even though she goes out with other men, she remains loyal to him on her term while he tries to deal with his jealousy. But more and more questions arise. What about sex As the woman, must she submit to the man? How does it feel to him? What kind of relationship is that anyway? Is it Friendship Plus or Real Love? Both try to communicate with the other, to understand him while remaining true to themselves.
Scene one: March 11th, 2011. An earthquake and a tsunami strike the East coast of Japan, damaging the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. A man and five other brave power plant workers are sent to fasten a bolt to prevent radiation leaks. Scene two: 2013. The man is now cleaning the empty houses surrounding the nuclear plant. But the strange atmosphere starts giving him hallucination... Scene three: Christmas, 2014. A woman in a red car crashes by the garage where the man is working. The woman looks just like his wife, who died in the tsunami.