Stunt Double
A cat and a dog escape their cages in the airport, their owners must work together to recover their prized pets.
Stunt Double
自らを“消耗品”と名乗る最強軍団<エクスペンダブルズ>を率いるバーニー・ロス(シルベスター・スタローン)はCIAから下された新たなミッションに挑むため、かつての相棒であるリー・クリスマス(ジェイソン・ステイサム)の元を訪ねる。 バーニーとともに再び組むことを決意したリーがアジトに足を運ぶと、そこにはかつての仲間だけではなく、新たなメンバーが顔を揃えていた。 新戦力を迎えたエクスペンダブルズが挑む今回のミッションは、テロリストが所有する核兵器を奪還すること――もし、失敗すれば第三次世界大戦が勃発しかねない危険なミッションに挑む彼らだが、大きな代償を払うことに…。
In the late 1970s, the most feared hitman in the Montreal underworld, Donald Lavoie, found himself hunted down by his former accomplices and by a tenacious police officer.
Stunt Double
When Pippa and Thomas move into their dream apartment, they notice that their windows look directly into the apartment opposite – inviting them to witness the volatile relationship of the attractive couple across the street. But what starts as a simple curiosity turns into full-blown obsession with increasingly dangerous consequences.
Stunt Double
Sweet Gordon, an affable English teacher in Brooklyn, has beaten the odds; a French Girl has fallen in love with him and he’s fallen even harder back. But their future is thrown into limbo when she interviews for an executive chef position in her hometown of Quebec City. To Gordon’s dismay her future boss also happens to be her former lover, a celebrity Chef with oceanic eyes and a hit TV show. Good luck Gordon.