Lighting Director
In mid '90s, 3 female high school-grad office workers take up English classes together to get promotions and they team up to uncover corruption within their company.
Lighting Director
Intellectually handicapped Seokku lives in the countryside, and befriends Eunji, a teenaged runaway looking for her father. When Seokku is involved in a crime, the conflict between a Catholic priest defending him and a shelter adviser convinced of Seokku’s guilt intensifies.
Lighting Director
A failing webtoon artist finds he's drawn a target on his own back after publishing a story containing real secrets from his former life as a superspy.
Lighting Director
「新感染 ファイナル・エクスプレス」で一躍トップスターとなり、マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース(MCU)作品「エターナルズ」でハリウッド進出を果たすマ・ドンソク主演のバイオレンスアクション。凶悪なヤクザの組長チャン・ドンスが、ある夜何者かによってめった刺しにされた。奇跡的に一命をとりとめたドンスは、対立する組織の犯行を疑い、犯人捜しに動き出す。一方、警察サイドで捜査にあたるチョン刑事は暴力的な手段も辞さない荒くれ者として、署内でも問題刑事として知られていた。まだ世間の誰も気づいていない連続無差別殺人鬼がこの事件の犯人であると確信したチョン刑事は、その手がかりを求めてドンスにつきまとう。ドンスとチョン刑事は互いに敵意をむき出しにするが、狡猾な殺人鬼を突き止めるには互いの情報が必要であると悟り、共闘して犯人を追い詰めてゆく。2019年・第32回東京国際映画祭の「シン・ファンタ/復活!?東京国際ファンタスティック映画祭ナイト」(19年11月2日)で上映。
Lighting Director
Eunju and her half-brother Minjae lose their parents in an accident. When his sister suddenly disappears with the inheritance of 100 million won, Minjae drives a long way to the southern region to find her, without knowing that ten-year-old Eunho, Eunju’s baby brother, has sneaked into the car. Beginning with images of the happy faces of the sister and brother within the crowds enjoying the cherry blossoms, the film follows Minjae’s trip, asking one question. Why did his sister leave him and disappear? Minjae wants the money his sister took, but money is not the only reason for his trip. When he finally finds her, he realizes that he now has to live on his own and take care of his younger brother Eunho.