Post Production Coordinator
Join visionary director Sam Raimi and the cast of the film as they recount their experiences bringing Marvel’s darkest story to life. From world-building to universe-building, hear first hand accounts from the cast and crew on what it took to design, create and make each universe unique and believable.
Assistant Editor
Join the likes of Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke as they reveal how Marvel Studios' Moon Knight was painstakingly brought to life. Through insightful interviews with cast and crew, along with immersive footage from the set, and a candid "roundtable discussion" with the series' directors, this "making-of" pulls back the curtain on the groundbreaking series of Marvel Studios' newest hero.
Assistant Editor
Foley Mixer
The ghost stories shared by a gaggle of girl scouts become all too real in this slick and silly spook'em-up.
Foley Mixer
Sound Effects Editor
恋か?仕事か?目指すは憧れの役員昇進! でも、この物件=恋は、かなりのハイリスクかも!? 仕事一筋のヒロインは、音信不通だった叔父が遺してくれたロッジを売却しようと現地へ。そこで彼女はこれまで知らなかった家族の存在に気づく。叔父の遺言で共同所有者となっていた青年と協力し、二人はロッジをB&Bに変えようとするが意見は対立。新しい家族を失いそうになった時、彼女は人生の決断を迫られるのだが…。都会のキャリアウーマンと田舎のリタイア男が冬山で繰り広げるホットなラブ・ロマンス!