恐ろしい獣たちが海を闊歩していた時代、モンスターハンターは英雄として讃えられ、中でも偉大なジェイコブ・ホランドは人々から最も愛されていました。 その頃、伝説的な船に乗り込み航海に出た若きメイジー・ブランブルは、思いがけない仲間を引き受けることに。一行は未知の海域へと壮大な旅に乗り出し、歴史を築いていくのでした。アカデミー賞受賞を誇るクリス・ウィリアムズ(「モアナと伝説の海」「ベイマックス」「ボルト」)が贈る本作は、地図にない真の冒険が始まる場所へと連れて行ってくれます。
Production Design
A character gets sad after being called "super generic" by an art teacher and start to change himself to be more specific. Then, he became too complicated in the end and have to change again.
A character gets sad after being called "super generic" by an art teacher and start to change himself to be more specific. Then, he became too complicated in the end and have to change again.
A character gets sad after being called "super generic" by an art teacher and start to change himself to be more specific. Then, he became too complicated in the end and have to change again.
A character gets sad after being called "super generic" by an art teacher and start to change himself to be more specific. Then, he became too complicated in the end and have to change again.
A character gets sad after being called "super generic" by an art teacher and start to change himself to be more specific. Then, he became too complicated in the end and have to change again.