Dan Claudino

Dan Claudino

出生 : 1996-10-07, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil


ダン クラウディーノ (1996 年 10 月 7 日生まれ) はブラジルの俳優で、dEus (2022)、Tem Alguém em Casa? で主役を演じたことで知られています。 (2022)、Amor à Terceira Vista (2022)、Pule ou Ocorrência à 4h48 (2020)、および Flores Secas (2017)。 ダンはブラジル、サンパウロのサント・アンドレでダニエル・クラウディノ・バティスタとして生まれました。 11歳の時、演劇俳優のための演技学校に通い始め、そこで短い演劇作品で俳優としてのキャリアをスタートさせました。 彼は 2018 年にパフォーミング アーツを卒業しました。2013 年に 15 歳のとき、ダンは最初のプロの演劇『Mistério na Sala de Ensaio e Outras Histórias play Célio』に出演しました。 ダン・クローディーノは、テム・アルゲム・エム・カサを含むいくつかの映画に出演しましたか? (2022)、dEus (2022)、Amor à Terceira Vista (2022)、Pule ou Ocorrência às 4h48 (2020)、および Flores Secas (2017)。 2014 年、ダンは TV ミニシリーズ Extremos da Cidade (2014) の第 3 エピソードに出演し、ブラジルのサンパウロにおける芸術作品の重要性について語っています。 彼はまた、いくつかのミュージックビデオに出演し、監督しました。


Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino
Dan Claudino


Is There Anyone Home?
Ashton chats with his mother on FaceTime, when he is surprised by a masked presence inside his home.
Is There Anyone Home?
For the first time, Airton lives far from his sister, Ana Luísa. Despite the distance, the siblings talk whenever possible. However, a simple joke leads Airton to question whether there is anyone, besides him, inside his new home.
Is There Anyone Home?
For the first time, Airton lives far from his sister, Ana Luísa. Despite the distance, the siblings talk whenever possible. However, a simple joke leads Airton to question whether there is anyone, besides him, inside his new home.
Love at 3rd Sight
Léo is a very boring guy with a mediocre life. He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he doesn't go out to have fun, he barely talks to his mother, he doesn't like people, he has no friends except his adorable fish he calls Cyclops. It's Valentine's Day and everyone is with their date, except Léo, who feels the need to meet someone. After all, he's almost a grown man and can't live his whole life in his own apartment. Bored, Léo downloads a dating app and decides to meet someone who will make his heart beat faster. His life turns upside down when he meets the charming Bia, a bisexual, feminist, tattooed, and full of attitude girl who soon piques his interest and invites her on a date. But Léo has a big secret that he's been keen to hide from everyone forever, he has a third eye.
Gustavo Silva Rossi
Gustavo is a young adult attending law school. He is outgoing and polite, much of his upbringing comes from his Catholic upbringing. Very religious, Gustavo has dual feelings about his sexuality.
Jump or Occurrence at 4:48am
Film Processor
Five young people. Five minds. Five particular universes. An intersex, a boy living with HIV, a college student, a raped girl and a participant in the Blue Whale game. The violent hour: 4:48 am, when lucidity and desolation meet. They are powerful nights, almost unbearable, where they cry out in their painful relations with delirium, the uncontrolled enjoyment and the tragic desire in an attempt to communicate with a figure who is always busy.
Jump or Occurrence at 4:48am
Five young people. Five minds. Five particular universes. An intersex, a boy living with HIV, a college student, a raped girl and a participant in the Blue Whale game. The violent hour: 4:48 am, when lucidity and desolation meet. They are powerful nights, almost unbearable, where they cry out in their painful relations with delirium, the uncontrolled enjoyment and the tragic desire in an attempt to communicate with a figure who is always busy.
Jump or Occurrence at 4:48am
Five young people. Five minds. Five particular universes. An intersex, a boy living with HIV, a college student, a raped girl and a participant in the Blue Whale game. The violent hour: 4:48 am, when lucidity and desolation meet. They are powerful nights, almost unbearable, where they cry out in their painful relations with delirium, the uncontrolled enjoyment and the tragic desire in an attempt to communicate with a figure who is always busy.
Jump or Occurrence at 4:48am
Five young people. Five minds. Five particular universes. An intersex, a boy living with HIV, a college student, a raped girl and a participant in the Blue Whale game. The violent hour: 4:48 am, when lucidity and desolation meet. They are powerful nights, almost unbearable, where they cry out in their painful relations with delirium, the uncontrolled enjoyment and the tragic desire in an attempt to communicate with a figure who is always busy.
Y3ll & Sloope: Sonhoz
Leo Lotho: Olhar
Dry Flowers
Frederico (Fred)
After a difficult divorce from his parents, Frederico decides to live with his mother in São Paulo City in order to study engineering, a childhood dream. However, Fred begins to see himself in a different way, his best friend starts dating the girl of your dreams and he comes face-to-face with his biggest problem, himself.
Grupo Aspas: Vem Mudar o Teu Futuro
Grupo Aspas: Precoce
Grupo Aspas: Avulso
O Dia que Tropecei em Mim e Percebi que era Pó
Juliano is a very unlucky guy, after leaving another failed job interview, Juliano ends up recognizing things inside himself that he had never noticed before.