海賊人生に二度とない最大規模の宝を探しに危険千万な冒険を始める。 しかし、消えた宝を狙うのは彼らだけではなかった! 欲しいものを手に入れるためなら手段と方法を選ばない逆賊 'プ・フンス' (クォン・サンウ)も 宝を手に入れるために海に飛び込んできたのだ…!
The detective Hyun-soo tries to track down a girl who disappeared off of a cliff during a stormy night.
Line Producer
While desperately searching for his missing daughter, Hae-kwan comes across an AI satellite robot that remembers sounds from all over the world. Rejuvenated by the robot's abilities, Hae-kwan begins to track down his daughter's voice. As they continue their journey, they form an unforgettable bond.
Line Producer
In this true story from 2002, South Korean patrol boats engaged in a deadly battle with North Korean patrol boats who crossed the maritime border known the Northern Limit Line and attacked.