Hunay Saday

出生 : 1996-05-01, Baku, Azerbaijan


Hunay Saday was born in 1996 in Azerbaijan. A big lover of analog photography, she recently gradutated from European Film College in Denmark where she studied directing, cinematography and production. Currently she is working on her upcoming projects including one 16mm video-art installation project.


An ode to Arseny Tarkovsky
A visual illustration of a poem (in 16mm) by Arseny Tarkovsky. For those who want to create themselves a whole universe out of nothing.
An ode to Arseny Tarkovsky
A visual illustration of a poem (in 16mm) by Arseny Tarkovsky. For those who want to create themselves a whole universe out of nothing.
The departure
An aspiring filmmaker tries to restore her fading childhood memories through someone else's travel stories.  One evening in front of a bar, Hunay bumps into an acquaintance, Benjamin. He recently visited her native country, Azerbaijan, which she had to flee in 2011 with her family for political reasons. A precipitous departure which has resulted in her feeling further and further removed from her hometown, family, and childhood memories every day. What happens when we can no longer return to our hometown, when our childhood memories are fading away? Can memories stay alive through someone else’s?
The departure
An aspiring filmmaker tries to restore her fading childhood memories through someone else's travel stories.  One evening in front of a bar, Hunay bumps into an acquaintance, Benjamin. He recently visited her native country, Azerbaijan, which she had to flee in 2011 with her family for political reasons. A precipitous departure which has resulted in her feeling further and further removed from her hometown, family, and childhood memories every day. What happens when we can no longer return to our hometown, when our childhood memories are fading away? Can memories stay alive through someone else’s?
The departure
An aspiring filmmaker tries to restore her fading childhood memories through someone else's travel stories.  One evening in front of a bar, Hunay bumps into an acquaintance, Benjamin. He recently visited her native country, Azerbaijan, which she had to flee in 2011 with her family for political reasons. A precipitous departure which has resulted in her feeling further and further removed from her hometown, family, and childhood memories every day. What happens when we can no longer return to our hometown, when our childhood memories are fading away? Can memories stay alive through someone else’s?
Bussi, Baba
Graphic Designer
A strong bond between a father and daughter, reliving the past and how they were able to live for the moment again.