Chris Rissler


Flatbread Files: The Case of Timothy Abernathy
When a sad, lonely man is frightened by his dead roommate possibly haunting him, he enlists the help of the Flatbread crew. Together they all document their time in the haunted apartment.
Burger Boy
A hungry boy with a beard to rival the Gods has a stomach ache. It's up to him to traverse the dangers of life to get to his fateful burger.
Burger Boy
A hungry boy with a beard to rival the Gods has a stomach ache. It's up to him to traverse the dangers of life to get to his fateful burger.
Tomorrow Is Yesterday
Jackson, a young adult arriving home from what is seemingly an average day. Things seems off a little at home, but doesn't cause any problems. As he comes home the next day, Jackson realizes that he has lived this day before, and soon comes face to face with himself.
A homeless man attempts to go about his life.
A homeless man attempts to go about his life.