Olavi Pihlamägi


Kosmos 68 - Legends vol 1
Documentary about Estonian rock music as a birth-story of a fresh thought in the contradictional Soviet cultural space. A world of contrasts – pioneers placing flower chaplets to Lenin’s monument and Scott McKenzie “If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear flowers in your head”. First Estonian beat-bands were born already in the early 60’s. Names like “Juuniorid”, “Rütmikud”, “Optimistid”, “Mikronid”, “Kristallid”, “Virmalised” and a lot of others, not so well known, performed almost every week on youth dance-nights. The repertoire was mainly acquired by listening and recording music from foreign radio stations with the static noise of the radio. Radio Luxemburg and a lot of other radio stations playing new music, like Radio Caroline and Radio Sweden, became windows to the music world. On 28 April, 1968, the Puhkeparkide Direktsioon and Tallinn Beat Club organized the first festival-like youth music event in Estonia and in whole Soviet Union.
The Song of the Summer
While suffering creative and emotional crisis, singer Katrin gives a poor performance at the pop music contest. She decides to turn over a new leaf and write a song that would convey an important message both for herself and for the audience. Katrin's personal drama - the story about her doubts and self-realization - is accompanied by the performances of well-known pop musicians of 1970s and 1980s.