Post Producer
Post Producer
An intimate, behind-the-scenes look at how an anonymous chef became a world-renowned cultural icon. This unflinching look at Anthony Bourdain reverberates with his presence, in his own voice and in the way he indelibly impacted the world around him.
Post Production Supervisor
保守的なフォークソングを守り"good girl"であろうしていた彼女が、様々なバッシングの中震えながら立ち上がり、自らの言葉を歌にのせて伝える真のパフォーマーとして開花していく様を追った、テイラー・スイフト渾身のドキュメンタリー。
A self-loathing, failed Eastside novelist living in the ‘hipster’ neighborhood of Echo Park in Los Angeles is shocked to find himself falling in love with everything he hates, including a simple All-American blonde girl from the Westside.