Key Animation
卒業後の進路に悩む日羽は、かつて姉・真理まりが勤めていた「東北のハワイ」こと「スパリゾートハワイアンズ」のポスターを見て衝動的に、新人ダンサー=フラガールの採用試験に応募する。 未経験ながらも採用された日羽は、鎌倉環奈(かまくらかんな)、滝川蘭子(たきがわらんこ)、オハナ・カアイフエ、白沢(しろさわ)しおんたち同期と共にフラガールへの道を歩み始めるが、個性豊かすぎる5人の足並みはそろわず、初ステージで、ある大失敗をしてしまう。 「今までで、一番ざんねんな新人たち」と呼ばれ、落ち込む彼女たちだったが、恋、ダイエット、そしてフラ…と、いいことも辛いことも分かちあいながら、フラフラしながらも絆を深めていく―――。 それぞれの想いを胸に彼女たちは今日もステージへ
笑いあり涙ありの新人フラガール成長物語 わたし、"フラ"を仕事にします。
Key Animation
To celebrate their graduation from university Kaori and her two friends visit Okinawa in southern Japan for a short vacation. At the vacation house, provided by Tadashi's uncle, a numbing stench awaits the girls, and can be traced to a horrendously deformed, legged fish that Kaori kills. More and more of these creatures appear and portend a horrific change for the animal life in the area. A phone call from Kaori's fiancé Tadashi in Tokyo quickly shows the scope of this epidemic, when he is also attacked by these mechanized fish. Kaori immediately sets out on an perilous voyage to find out what happened to Tadashi, helped by Shirakawa — a videographer in search of the truth behind all this...
Key Animation
Immediately after winning the National Championships, Tyson is challenged by a mysterious boy named Daichi, who is determined to become the next Beyblading champion. But when they battle, their Beyblades awaken ancient dark forces that take human form and become the evil Shadow-Bladers who vow to destroy mankind! Now it's up to Tyson and the Bladebreakers to defeat the Shadow-Bladers before they carry out their destructive plan. Will they succeed... or is this the end of the Bladebreakers?
Key Animation
Key Animation
Based on accounts of the firebombing of Fukuoka.
The year is 1945. Everything as usual in the Fukuoka city. Some places in Japan have already been scorched by the fire of war, but here it is relatively peaceful and calm. The school still working, and the boys play war in their spare time. Daichi and his friend are the commanders of rival squads. One day a newcomer appears in the class - Yoriko, a girl evacuated from Tokyo. Yoriko takes life very seriously, she has good reasons - her childhood ended after the loss of loved ones in the bombing. Children get to know each other and become friends. They, as the rest of the city, do not yet know that on June 19 their life will be divided into "before" and "after".