Nakaoka Shohei
SWORDの「O」鬼邪高校。定時と全日に分かれるSWORD地区最凶の不良高校である。その全日制で頭を張る花岡楓士雄(川村壱馬)は、 数々の伝説を持つ最強の男・ラオウをたずねて、 戸亜留とある 市にある 鈴蘭すずらん 男子高校を訪れていた。その頃、鬼邪高の首を狙うSWORD内の不良達は、虎視眈々とその機会を伺っていた…。中でも、エンジ色の学ラン、通称“血の門”と呼ばれる瀬ノ門工業高校の頭・天下井公平(三山凌輝)は、須嵜亮(中本悠太)という最強の男の力を手に入れ、さらには、同じく鬼邪高の首を狙う 鎌坂かまさか 高校と 江罵羅えばら 商業高校を傘下に加え、「三校連合」を築き、その勢力を拡大していく。鬼邪高の高城司(吉野北人)と轟洋介(前田公輝)は、そんな三校連合の怪しい動きをいち早く察知するも…その時は突然、訪れる。遂に、三校連合による鬼邪高狩りが始まったのだ。不意をつかれ、急襲されてしまう形となった鬼邪高の男達。圧倒的不利な状況下で、これまで己の拳一つで答えを導いて来た楓士雄は、次々に潰されていく仲間達を守り抜く事は出来るのか!?そして、三校連合最強の刺客、須嵜との頂上決戦に挑む楓士雄!楓士雄の拳はいったい何を語るのか?本物のテッペンを決める戦いが今、始まる。
The beautiful witch chocolatier Aikawa makes a mysterious chocolate that makes your wish come true just by eating it. One day, a high school girl who attends Seiran Gakuen visits Aikawa. The high school girl is told a dangerous contract that "a person who eats chocolate will be deprived of his" most important thing "as a substitute," but she accepts the contract and eats the chocolate. And from that day, mysterious incidents happened one after another in Seiran Gakuen ... On the other hand, Nao Iida, who belongs to the newspaper club of the school, follows those cases. Nao approaches the dark desire hidden in the incident and the mystery of chocolate.
In a city where unmarried people are drafted to solve the declining birthrate, 44-year-old unmarried Yoshiko tries to find a marriage partner in order to escape from recruitment.
Shintaro Ando has become Noble Dori after various confrontations. Now, the noble group, who are led by Shintaro Ando, has battles over the title of Legend ("Densetsu") against the prince group, who are led by Kanade Suzaku.
Mari is a female university student. She takes part in an experiment held by popular VTuber Sophia. When Mari arrives at the place where the experiment is to be held, she notices the place looks like a prison. 12 people participate in the experiment and they are assigned roles of prisoners and prison officers. The experiment takes place over 7 days. Mari is assigned the role of a prison officer. The experiment turns violent.