Shinobu Nishioka


Key Animation
On a walk home, Keroro and Fuyuki stumble upon a hidden shrine. Upon exploring it, they end up causing damage to a shining orb within it. That night, Keroro finds a large X on his face, which causes him considerable distraught. The next morning, a breaking news story shows that the X has spread to more than just Keroro, giving the people of Tokyo telepathic abilities, including the Hinata Household and the Keroro Platoon. The Pekoponians seem to think this is a great gift, but the mark may actually be part of a Pekopon invasion older than time itself.
Character Designer
Robot prostitute Malice@Doll roams a deserted city unsuccessfully looking for johns after the human race is obliterated. With no people left, the android serving class has a meaningless existence. But after a horrific tentacled beast rapes Malice@Doll, she inexplicably turns human. With a renewed purpose in life, she tries to share the gift of humanity with others of her kind, but with every gift comes a curse...
新機動戦記ガンダムW Endless Waltz 特別篇
Key Animation
A.C.196年、クリスマスイブ。リリーナ・ドーリアンは外交訪問中のL-3 X18999コロニーで拉致され、一人の少女に出会う。少女の名はマリーメイア。 先年死去した世界国家の元首でOZ総帥を務めたトレーズ・クシュリナーダを父に持 つという。少女が父の覇権を継ぎ新たなる戦いを宣言したその頃、ヒイロ、デュオは 独自のルートでX18999コロニーへの潜入を果たす。が、2人の前に敵となった 五飛とトロワが立ち塞がった!