Yûko Misono


A young man hands in his notice at work and breaks up with his girlfriend in order to pursue his true nature and dream of shaping the world according to his own desires. Against all the odds, he manages to push through his business idea – the foundation of an airline. At the same time, his ex-girlfriend refuses to accept their separation and attempts to force her way back into his life by any means possible. He in turn feels attracted to a young woman, who turns out to be the wife of one of his airline investors and who has herself had a secret lover for several years.
Yoko Nanbu
Office worker comedy by Nobuo Nakagawa
はだか大名 後篇
はだか大名 前篇
水戸黄門漫遊記 天下の副将軍
あらすじ 市川右太衛門が水戸黄門を演じた『水戸黄門漫遊記 地獄谷の豪族』、『水戸黄門漫遊記 伏魔殿の妖賊』の2作品をまとめた総集篇。農民に身をやつし、助さん格さんを連れて諸国行脚をする水戸黄門は、信州の地獄谷にたどり着く。ここには野武士の残党が山に住み着き良民を苦しめていた。幕閣の実力者・柳澤は仁礼家の家系図を狙い、野武士を使って仁礼家の当主・友之助の家を襲わせる。丁度、黄門一行がいて撃退するが、黄門一行が役人に捕縛される。