Yu Takahashi

出生 : 1991-01-19,


誰もが認める「絶世のブス」であるため、自らの結婚を諦め、ウェディングプランナーとして働く香澄(ガンバレルーヤよしこ)は、イケメン上司・久世(速水もこみち)から突然プロポーズされる。 しかし久世は、自称 “意識の高いB専” で香澄のことを「ドブス」と好意を持って言い放つ。断じて事態を受け入れられない香澄は、久世を無視し仕事に没頭するが、トラブル勃発。 おまけに一緒に結婚式を彩るフラワーコーディネーター・武内(大野拓朗)にも好意をよせられてしまう…。 「絶世のブス」である自分を心から「かわいい」と言ってくれる運命の相手はどちらなのか?三角関係が織り成す、ブスに素敵なウェディングプランナーの恋の物語。
Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE -神聖円卓領域キャメロット-
2015. The last era when magic was still established. The Humane Continuity Guarantee Agency, Caldea, observes a world that can not be seen only with magic, a world that can not be measured only with science, and conducts research day and night to prevent the decisive extinction of humanity, with a preservation that preserves human history stronger than anything else Continued. One day, the future territory that had been continuing observations in Caldea disappeared, and calculations showed that humanity would be extinct in 2017-or no, it was proved. Meanwhile, "unobservable areas" suddenly appear in various places in history. Chaldea assumes that this is the cause of human extinction, and issues a mission to search for and elucidate singularities, or to destroy, "Search for the Holy Grail" --- Grand Order. Tachika and Mash, who were assigned the duties, went to a singularity that was confirmed in 1273. The singularity itself was becoming a "history that should not exist."