Victor Bondarovich


Criminals kidnap the seven years old daughter of a large Azerbaijani businessman Rustam Ibragimov. The purpose of the kidnappers - the father's refusing of the high post in the government. The girl being taken through Belarus to smuggle to Europe. However, the girl manages to escape from his pursuers. Polina - a simple village woman finds the terrified child.
Dnieper Line
Director of Photography
The basis for the plot of the film "Dnieper line" was a real historical event - the heroic defense of Mogilev. The action takes place in the Great Patriotic War, when troops of the German fascist invaders swiftly moving through the territory of the Soviet Union. Units guarding the border Dnieper abroad, ordered - to make the city impregnable fortress. intertwined fates of the heroes soundtrack unexpected encounters and tragic parting ... Zoe meets Sintsov surrounded by the Germans in the city, his first love ... The Divisional Commander, who understands all the doom situation in which the defenders were Dnipro turn, makes every effort to keep the offensive. Mogilev - the same as the Brest Fortress, only to enormous proportions. Force civilians and soldiers of the Red Army offensive the Germans were stopped here for three weeks.