Dominique Lemieux
出生 : , Montréal
Dominique Lemieux is a costume designer and writer, known for her work for Cirque du Soleil, creating the costumes for shows like Alegría, Quidam and Corteo.
Costume Design
Consisting of a stage with over 5,000 cubic feet of water from the Bellagio Lake, "O" shifts the boundaries of the interplay of acrobatics, music, theater and dance, with such diverse disciplines as water jumping, gymnastics, synchronized swimming, trapeze, acrobatics, dramatic play, music and dance - an unforgettable rendezvous for all spectators.
Costume Design
As part of its 30th anniversary, and for the first time in its history, Cirque du Soleil will present a truly unique, exclusive music event celebrating 30 years of music. Music has always been a central character in Cirque du Soleil shows. It accompanies the artists, punctuates the performance and triggers emotions. The 75-minute concert will pay tribute to the music of Cirque du Soleil and will feature a choir of 70 voices (under the artistic direction of Gregory Charles) and 6 soloists accompanied by 28 musicians. The audience will hear singers Paul Bisson, Audrey Brisson-Jutras, Dominic Dagenais, Estelle Esse, Mathieu Lavoie, Anna Liani, Francine Poitras and Roxanne Potvin interpret some of the songs that have defined the music of Cirque du Soleil shows of the past 30 years.
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
Costume Design
「人生賛歌」 をコンセプトに多くの人々に衝撃的な感動を与えた斬新なショー。2001年オーストラリア・シドニー公演を収録。
Costume Design
A child is born. We see underwater swimmers representing this. He is young, in a jungle setting, with two fanciful "instincts" guiding him as swooping bird-like acrobats initially menace, then delight. As an adolescent, he enters a desert, where a man spins a large cube of metal tubing. He leaves his instinct-guides behind, and enters a garden where two statues dance in a pond. As he watches their sensual acrobatics of love, he becomes a man. He is offered wealth (represented by a golden hat) by a devil figure. In a richly decorated room, a scruffy troupe of a dozen acrobats and a little girl reawaken the old man's youthful nature and love.
Costume Design
Costume Design
Frac, a mime who is suffering from a severe bout of depression, happens to meet a troupe of circus entertainers and immediately falls in love with one of the stars, Giulietta. But while his affection for Giulietta and admiration for the performers gives him a new lease on life, Giulietta's father, the leader of the troupe, opposes the relationship and is determined to keep them apart. Meanwhile, Frac and Giulietta discover a gang of children who are held prisoner by a criminal leader who forces them to do his bidding, and they devise a plan to win the kids their freedom. .
Costume Design
「サルティンバンコ」のテーマは“明るく輝かしい未来"。人間の未来を象徴する子供が、魂の冒険を通じてアイデンティティーを確立していく - 。世界各国から選び抜かれた50人以上のパフォーマーたちが肉体の限界をこえた驚異のアクロバットを披露。ロシア人親子による究極の肉体芸“アダージオ"や、中国雑技団のお家芸をさらに高度にアレンジした“チャイニーズ・ポール"、“シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ"の原点でもある大道芸“ジャグリング"など、大興奮の演目が満載だ。まさにサーカスの概念を覆すほどの高度なパフォーマンスと芸術性は、公演後一大ブームを巻き起こしている。
Come in under the Big Top for a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Cirque du Soleil's ninth creation, which critics have described as "the most dramatic, the most esthetic and perhaps the most melancholy show in the history of this marvelous circus" (La Presse, Montreal). Full Circle shows you the making of Quidam, from its very beginnings to its triumphant finish.
Costume Design
Costume Design
The brilliant artistry of Cirque du Soleil has transformed the circus into an exciting, novel performance experience. Nouvelle Expérience celebrates the magic of their innovative techniques and the genius of one of the most visionary groups of artists in the world. Included in the show that toured for 19 months in 1990-1991, performing to over 1.3 million people: Contortion, Korean Plank, Solo Trapeze, Tightrope, Aerial Straps, Acrobatics, Trapeze, Juggling, Clown, Russian Bar, Trampoline and Balancing on Chairs.