Brittany Pollack


夢や成功を求め、多くの移民たちが暮らすニューヨークのウエスト・サイド。 だが、貧困や差別に不満を募らせた若者たちは同胞の仲間と結束し、各チームの対立は激化していった。 ある日、プエルトリコ系移民で構成された“シャークス”のリーダーを兄に持つマリアは、対立するヨーロッパ系移民“ジェッツ”の元リーダーのトニーと出会い、一瞬で惹かれあう。この禁断の愛が、多くの人々の運命を変えていくことも知らずに…。
NY Export: Opus Jazz
Shot on location in New York City and starring an ensemble cast of New York City Ballet dancers, NY Export: Opus Jazz takes Jerome Robbins‘ 1958 “ballet in sneakers” and reimagines it for a new generation in this scripted adaptation. After winning an Audience Award at the 2010 South by Southwest Film Festival, the film aired nationally on PBS’ Great Performances series and was nominated for the Rose d’Or Award.
Misfits in their lives back home, a group of young people live it up at musical-theater camp. While the sports counselor is completely ignored, the kids' spend all their time in rehearsal for a grueling schedule that involves a new show every two weeks. Several personal stories come to the fore.