Frank Singuineau

出生 : 1913-04-08, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago

死亡 : 1992-09-11


Francis Ethlebert Singuineau (April 8, 1913 - September 11, 1992), known as Frank Singuineau, was a Trinidadian actor of stage and screen who worked in Britain, where he moved from Trinidad and Tobago in the 1940s. Employed by the Shell Company, he took an active interest in Amateur Dramatics. Just after the Second World War he gave up his job with Shell, travelled to London and became an actor, acting with the Unity Theatre and the Bristol Old Vic.[1] His London stage debut was in 1948 in Richard Wright's Native Son (1948), and Singuineau's acting career spanned the subsequent decades until his last roles in Lillian Hellman's Watch on the Rhine at the Royal National Theatre and Mustapha Matura's Playboy of the West Indies at the Tricycle Theatre in 1984. Singuineau also appeared in such films as The Pumpkin Eater, Séance on a Wet Afternoon, Pressure and An American Werewolf in London and in several television series including Z-Cars, Crane, and Doomwatch. Singuineau retired in the late 1980s. He died on 11 September 1992 in London, England at the age of 79.


Playboy of the West Indies
Based on J. M. Synge's Playboy of the Western World. Peggy Ford runs her father's rum bar in Mayaro, a quiet fishing village in Trinidad. Nothing much happens in Mayaro until a handsome young stranger appears and insists that he has just murdered his father.
アメリカ人大学生のデビッドとジャックは三か月の休暇中イギリスでの気ままなヒッチハイクを楽しんでいた。ヒッチハイクで乗り込んだ車を、何もないど田舎の途中で降ろされて近場の町まで歩くことになってしまう。 日が落ち雨も降る中荒れ地を歩くうち闇夜に紛れてみたこともない恐ろしい大きな野獣に襲われジャックはかみ殺されデビッドもかみ殺される寸前で野獣は村人に射殺され命を救われる。 病院で目を覚まし療養していたデビッドだが、その夜からおかしな夢をみるようになりだんだんと不安にかられるようになってゆく。 そんな不安定なデビッドのまえに突然死んだはずのデビッドが、野獣にかみ殺されたままの無残な姿で現れこう警告する。 「俺たちを襲ったのは狼男だった。狼男に殺されると魂は呪われ永遠にさまよい続ける。お前は狼男の血を継いだ。呪いの系譜が立たれないと殺されたものは解放されない。お前は今すぐ死ぬべきだ」 警告を信じないで無視し続けるデビッドであったが、満月の夜、デビッドは耐え難い痛みとともに恐ろしい獣の姿に変貌し新たな狼男の犠牲者を作り始めるのだった。
Manley Reckford
A mercenary is hired by the FBI to track down a powerful recluse criminal, a woman is also trying to track him down for her own personal vendetta.
A British-born younger son of an immigrant family from Trinidad finds himself adrift between two cultures.
Club Havana
After 12 years away, Mrs Jordan’s son arrives in Birmingham from Jamaica. Writer Barry Reckord returns to the theme of an interracial relationship which causes conflict within a Jamaican family. Reconstructed from the surviving unedited studio footage by Simon Coward (Research Manager, Kaleidoscope). An episode of the BBC drama series Second City Firsts.
Carry On Again Doctor
Native Porter
Dr. Nookey is disgraced and sent to a remote island hospital. He is given a secret slimming potion by a member of staff, Gladstone Screwer, and he flies back to England to fame and fortune. But others want to cash in on his good fortunes, and some just want him brought down a peg or two.
The Whisperers
Negro Doctor
Margaret Ross is an impoverished old woman who lives alone in a seedy apartment and enjoys a rich fantasy life as an heiress. One day she discovers stolen money hidden by her son and believes her fantasy has come true.
The Wrong Box
Native Bearer
In Victorian England, a fortune now depends on which of two brothers outlives the other—or can be made to have seemed to do so.
In Great Britain a reversal of African apartheid comes into place, and the country is governed by black people with whites as the subservients.
The Pumpkin Eater
King of Israel
Jo, the mother of seven children, divorces her second husband in order to marry Jake, a successful but promiscuous screenwriter. Though they are physically and emotionally compatible, they are slowly torn apart.
Seance on a Wet Afternoon
Bus Conductor
Working-class British housewife Myra Savage reinvents herself as a medium, holding seances in the sitting room of her home with the hidden assistance of her under-employed, asthmatic husband, Billy. In an attempt to enhance her credibility as a psychic, Myra hatches an elaborate, ill-conceived plot to kidnap a wealthy couple's young daughter so that she can then help the police "find" the missing girl.
The Day of the Fox
"In Jan Carew’s explosive drama, Sammy Davis Jr gives a memorable performance as a proud but disillusioned revolutionary who aims to destroy the remnants of white colonial rule in a new African nation. The political themes explored remain incredibly prescient." - BFI
Electrician #1 (uncredited)
Loner Mark Lewis works at a film studio during the day and, at night, takes racy photographs of women. Also he's making a documentary on fear, which involves recording the reactions of victims as he murders them. He befriends Helen, the daughter of the family living in the apartment below his, and he tells her vaguely about the movie he is making.
Head Porter
One by one the archaeologists who discover the 4,000-year-old tomb of Princess Ananka are brutally murdered. Kharis, high priest in Egypt 40 centuries ago, has been brought to life by the power of the ancient gods and his sole purpose is to destroy those responsible for the desecration of the sacred tomb. But Isobel, wife of one of the explorers, resembles the beautiful princess, forcing the speechless and tormented monster to defy commands and abduct Isobel to an unknown fate.
Murderer of Sister Aurelie (uncredited)
ベルギーに住む有名な医者パン・デル・マル博士の娘であるガブリエルは尼僧になる決意をし、家を出た。恋人への思いも断ち切り、修道院入りする。 修道院で志願者となったガブリエルは修道女の戒律を学び、五日後には修道志願女となり数ヶ月に及ぶ厳しい戒律生活に身を投じる。戒律と懺悔の日々。あまりの厳しさに脱落していく志願女がいる中、ガブリエルは見習い尼になる。その前夜、髪を短く刈られ、またそれまで自分と俗世との唯一のつながりであった、恋人から贈られた金飾りのついたペンを投げ捨てた。俗世との完全な別離の瞬間であった。ガブリエルはシスター・ルークという名を与えられ、正式の尼僧になるべく修行を続ける。
The Heart Within
This is one of David Hemming's earliest performances in the cinema: the star actor was just 15 when he portrayed a teenager who determines to clear a black friend on the run who is accused of murder.
Storm Over the Nile
Native Servant
In 1885, while his regiment is sent to the Sudan to battle the rebellious Dervish tribes, British Lieutenant Harry Faversham resigns his officer's commission in order to remain with his fiancée Mary Burroughs in England. His friends and fellow officers John Durrance, Peter Burroughs and Tom Willoughby brand him a coward and present him with the white feathers of cowardice. His fiancée, Mary, adds a fourth feather and breaks off their engagement. However, former Lieutenant Faversham decides to regain his honor by fighting in the Sudan incognito. Re-used a great deal of stock footage from The Four Feathers (1939), including the entire final battle sequence.
A European family in East Africa finds itself caught up in an uprising by local black Africans against their white colonial masters. Based on the Mau-Mau rebellion in Kenya in the early 1950s.