Nam Jeong-il


The Point Men
Executive Producer
A story about a diplomat and a national intelligence service agent who struggle and risk their lives on foreign soil to save Korean hostages that have been abducted in the Middle East.
Black Light
A car accident happened. One died, and the other went into a coma. The case was concluded as the dead one’s fault. Being guilt-ridden, the dead man’s wife, Hee-ju struggles to move forward. One day, she learns that the victim tried to kill himself before the accident. Suspecting that the accident might be caused by the victim on purpose, she starts to reinvestigate the case all over again.
The Whistleblower
Lee Jang-hwan receives widespread acclaim and media attention after successfully cloning human embryo stem cells. A TV news program PD, Yoon Min-cheol, receives a phone call from an anonymous source who says he has worked with Dr. Lee on the stem cell project. The source blows the whistle on Lee's work, revealing how Lee fabricated research results and engaged in unethical practices.
Over My Dead Body
The perpetually rational and precise researcher Hyeon-cheol and the rash and reckless Dong-hwa have nothing in common with the exception of a goal to steal a corpse to serve their own twisted agendas. They set off on their bizarre mission and the plan goes smoothly until they’re faced with the unexpected appearance of Jin-oh and a mysterious group of men also on the hunt.
Running Turtle
Jo Pil-seong, a rural detective with a gambling addiction, is on the brink of losing his job when he has his gambling winnings stolen by an escapee convict. Jo Pil-seong sets out to catch the fugitive and retain his money and dignity.