Yutaka Arai


深海獣雷牙 対 溶岩獣王牙
The giant monster Raiga returns, rising in Atami Harbor and attacking the city. A second kaiju, Ohga, soon joins the chaos, and the two monsters clash, destroying large sections of the city. Defense forces launch two new weapons, the giant tank Kamikaze and the drill tank Gokumei, to meet the the monster invasion head on. But as the beasts work their way to Tokyo, will they be enough to stop the monsters from laying waste to the city?
深海獣雷牙 対 溶岩獣王牙
The giant monster Raiga returns, rising in Atami Harbor and attacking the city. A second kaiju, Ohga, soon joins the chaos, and the two monsters clash, destroying large sections of the city. Defense forces launch two new weapons, the giant tank Kamikaze and the drill tank Gokumei, to meet the the monster invasion head on. But as the beasts work their way to Tokyo, will they be enough to stop the monsters from laying waste to the city?
深海獣雷牙 対 溶岩獣王牙
The giant monster Raiga returns, rising in Atami Harbor and attacking the city. A second kaiju, Ohga, soon joins the chaos, and the two monsters clash, destroying large sections of the city. Defense forces launch two new weapons, the giant tank Kamikaze and the drill tank Gokumei, to meet the the monster invasion head on. But as the beasts work their way to Tokyo, will they be enough to stop the monsters from laying waste to the city?
When the Earth's ecosystem is disrupted due to global warming, a plethora of prehistoric sea monsters wage war on Japan. Led by the powerful Raiga, the monsters ravage the city of Asakusa.
Visual Effects
とある女子校に転校してきたアキ(=範田紗々)の周りで次々と怪事件が起こる。 予防接種を受けた先生と生徒が次々とゾンビ化し、人を襲い始めたのだ。しかし、何故か競泳部員たちだけは正気を保ち続けており、アキは競泳部に入部し、部員と共に反乱軍を結成して正体不明の敵に闘いを挑む。