Adrienne Williams


ザ・ユナイテッド・ステイツ vs. ビリー・ホリデイ
Actor's Assistant
ビリー・ホリデーは、そのキャリアの大半をファンから慕われることに費やした。1940年代、政府は人種差別を助長するためにホリデイを標的にし、最終的には物議を醸したバラード "Strange Fruit "を歌わせないようにしようとした。
Come Away with Me
Maria, daughter of Italian emigrants, lives with her son Santino who lives by expedients. In a small American town, inhabited mostly by children of Italian immigrants, the woman does everything to prevent her boyfriend from getting lost by taking the wrong path, so every time Santino tries to score a shot, Maria manages to blow his plans. Until one day the loving mother decides that the time has come to teach a fundamental lesson for the life of her son.