Timothy Brock

出生 : 1963-01-01, USA


Charlie Chaplin - Der Komponist
チャールズ・チャップリン -放浪紳士の誕生-
Additional Music
The Tramp and the Dictator
Original Music Composer
A look at the parallel lives of Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler and how they crossed with the creation of the film “The Great Dictator,” released in 1940.
An aging doorman, after being fired from his prestigious job at a luxurious Hotel is forced to face the scorn of his friends, neighbours and society.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Cyrano de Begerac is joyous, witty, a poet, a leader and filled with plenty of charisma and bravado in 17th Century France. He has only one flaw: an unusually long nose which makes him unattractive to any woman. Thus, he cannot have the woman he loves, his cousin Roxanne. Roxanne loves an officer in his army who gets tongue-tied in front of women. Who will Roxanne love? Will Cyrano ever find love? Or will he find happiness in helping the officer woo Roxanne? This is a story of split personalities, human frailty and unrequited love.
This pioneering documentary film depicts the lives of the indigenous Inuit people of Canada's northern Quebec region. Although the production contains some fictional elements, it vividly shows how its resourceful subjects survive in such a harsh climate, revealing how they construct their igloo homes and find food by hunting and fishing. The film also captures the beautiful, if unforgiving, frozen landscape of the Great White North, far removed from conventional civilization.
Original Music Composer
This pioneering documentary film depicts the lives of the indigenous Inuit people of Canada's northern Quebec region. Although the production contains some fictional elements, it vividly shows how its resourceful subjects survive in such a harsh climate, revealing how they construct their igloo homes and find food by hunting and fishing. The film also captures the beautiful, if unforgiving, frozen landscape of the Great White North, far removed from conventional civilization.
Music Score Producer
北ドイツ、カリガリ博士は眠り男ツェザーレの予言を看板にした見世物をカーニバルに出している。友人アランを連れ、その小屋を覗いたフランシス。友人は調子にのって自分がいつまで生きられるかを眠り男に尋ねるが、答えは“ 明日の朝まで!”。本当に彼は翌日には殺されており、フランシスは疑惑究明に乗り出すが……。
Original Music Composer
北ドイツ、カリガリ博士は眠り男ツェザーレの予言を看板にした見世物をカーニバルに出している。友人アランを連れ、その小屋を覗いたフランシス。友人は調子にのって自分がいつまで生きられるかを眠り男に尋ねるが、答えは“ 明日の朝まで!”。本当に彼は翌日には殺されており、フランシスは疑惑究明に乗り出すが……。
Music by Charles Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin composed most of his own scores, beginning with CITY LIGHTS in 1931. He also returned to his earlier silent films and composed new scores for their rereleases. In this 2012 interview, composer and conductor Timothy Brock discusses Chaplin’s musical achievements, as well as his own work reconstructing and conducting Chaplin’s scores.
Music by Charles Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin composed most of his own scores, beginning with CITY LIGHTS in 1931. He also returned to his earlier silent films and composed new scores for their rereleases. In this 2012 interview, composer and conductor Timothy Brock discusses Chaplin’s musical achievements, as well as his own work reconstructing and conducting Chaplin’s scores.