“Limit” is a suspenseful thriller about a cop that goes undercover to hunt down the criminal behind a horrific kidnapping case. The police officer who gets involved in the case by taking the place of the kidnapping victim’s parents. As she fights to chase down the criminal, she finds herself caught up in tense, high-stakes mind games with the kidnapper.
Young-seok, who feels overwhelmed and lonely in what should be his glorious youth, meets a woman who introduces herself as Josée, and they share a once-in-a-lifetime romance.
Gi-tae, who continuously failed on his exam, returns to his hometown for the first time in ten years. He tried all different manual labors, but his debt-ridden life never seems to end. Soon Later, he starts working at a worn-out theater and meets Oh, the sign painter. Oh is never sober and always blunt, accordingly difficult to figure out. But Gi-tae doesn’t feel awkward around him.