Olesya Vorona


И не было лучше брата
Costume Designer
Sakura Jam
Costume Design
A young Russian businessman is tired of the unprofessional behavior of his employees so he decides to invite a general manager from Japan in order to improve the situation in the firm.
Salamander Skin
Costume Design
Vadim Yershov has lost everything he had: family, home, favorite job. His daughter is attached to a wheel-chair after an accident that happened partly by his fault. From this stress, Vadim accumulated so much negative energy that now he can literally kill by his word and look. A big-scale scammer Avenir decides to use Vadim's gift in his interest, offering help with medical treatment for his daughter. Through Avenir, Vadim meets with a wonderful woman named Yelena. His love to her helps him to cure his daughter and his own soul.