Himi Sato

出生 : 1999-12-19, Tokyo, Japan


2 days until the “Last Graduation Ceremony” of high school, the building was to be demolished. Each student accepted their “farewell to youth” and moved forward with regret and hope in mind. One student visits the library to meet her secret admirer who is also her teacher, one calls her boyfriend with a strained relationship due to the distance of their colleges, one is trying to expose a secret that she hid for the last 3 years, and the last student, Manami, has to give a speech during the graduation ceremony but couldn’t overcome her pain.
ケイコ 目を澄ませて
Seiji Ogawa
A hearing-impaired woman with dreams of becoming a professional boxer due to the pandemic is threatened closure of her boxing club and the illness of its ageing president, who has been her biggest supporter, push her to the limit.
この世界的ベストセラー小説の映画化を待っていた──。世界 30 か国以上で翻訳されている「ムーンライト・シャドウ」(新潮文庫「キッチン」収録)。吉本ばななの原点とも言える名作ラブストーリーが 33 年の時を経て遂に映画化。主人公・さつきを演じるのは、小松菜奈。作品ごとに圧倒的な演技力を発揮し開花し続ける彼女にとって、初の長編映画単独主演となる。さつきの恋人・等役には、役者として目覚ましい活躍をみせる宮沢氷魚。そして監督は、以前から原作ファンだったというマレーシア出身のエドモンド・ヨウ。これからのアジアを牽引するフレッシュかつ実力あるキャスト・スタッフが集結し、ニュー・アジア・フィルムが誕生した。人は、愛する者を失った時、どうやってその喪失感を乗り越えていくのだろうか。「ムーンライト・シャドウ」で描かれるのは、さつきと等の純美な恋愛、現実と幻想の狭間のような優美な世界観、そして哀しみを受け止めて力強く生きていこうとするヒロインの姿。すべての人の心に沁みる、心を揺さぶる、「さよなら」と「はじまり」のラブストーリー。恋人の突然の死に向き合うことができず、深い哀しみに打ちひしがれるさつきは、以前耳にした“月影現象”に次第に導かれていく。それは、満月の夜の終わりに死者ともう一度会えるかもしれない、という不思議な現象だった......。
The school’s handball club is about to close down. Can social media bring it back to life? Masao Kiyota is a high school student living in Japan’s southern Kumamoto Prefecture. Lacking passion for anything in life, he spends his days like so many youth on his smartphone along with his childhood friend, Okamoto. One day, they upload a photo taken three years previously when they were both part of their school’s handball team. To their surprise, the post goes a little viral. Encouraged, they add the hashtag: “#Handball Full Power” and are swarmed with “likes” from around the country. Amidst the sudden social media attention, Masao and Okamoto set to resuscitating a nearly defunct men’s handball team.