Rescue member Ajie and his companions rescued a reef tanker in the storm, but met the captain who was stubborn and unwilling to give up. At the same time, a dark shadow haunted the deep sea and dragged everyone into the sea. From then on, the surviving Ajie, bearing the shadow of his colleagues' deaths, became decadent and disheartened. Many years later, Ajie overcomes the shadow and boards a fishing boat again. They rescue Xiaojing, who had fallen into the sea after his yacht overturned. Once onboard, things start growing strange. When the trapped people face the storm's severe test, they find the most dangerous thing is far more than this. There are unknown creatures coveting under the water. The savage people must put aside their prejudices and work together to survive.
Lin Sheng-De
自転車競技が盛んな台湾を舞台に、シビアなプロレースの世界で生きる若者たちの野望と葛藤が、怪我人続出の撮影だったという迫力のレースシーンを散りばめながら描かれていく。 とあるプロチームのオーディションが開かれ、チームの絶対的エースに対抗心を燃やす血気盛んなスプリンターのミンと、粛々とアシストの役割を果たそうとする寡黙なティエンが合格した。真反対な性格の二人だったが、それでもお互いの実力を認め合い、友情を育んでいく。ある日、坂道練習に出かけた彼らは、重大な故障に苦しみながらも諦めずにペダルを踏み続ける女性ライダーのホアンに出会い、ともに彼女に惹かれ始めていく・・・。
Korean assassin
Through a famous painting "South Street Festival", a Taiwanese college boy unexpectedly travels 100 years back in time, back to the 1920's, when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. He is stuck, he panics, he wants to return to 2014 but soon changes his mind, not just because of the prettiest geisha girl in town...