Emerald Gordon Wulf

出生 : 2006-10-04, San Antonio, Texas, USA


Emerald Gordon Wulf is known worldwide through her modeling and acting. She was first shown to the world on TLC's hit series Toddlers and Tiaras, and has since joined the circus industry. Emerald Gordon Wulf is 14 years old and is known mostly now for her contortion. She has been featured on Little Big Shots Australia, LBS: Vietnam, and has landed a few roles in major motion picture films.


マリグナント 狂暴な悪夢
『死霊館』『ソウ』シリーズのジェイムズ・ワン監督によるホラー。目の前で恐ろしい殺人を目撃するという悪夢に苛まれる女が、リアルな殺人現場を疑似体験し、自らの秘められた過去に導かれていく。主演は『アナベル 死霊館の人形』のアナベル・ウォーリス。
死霊館 悪魔のせいなら、無罪。
Stunt Double