Mortality and death seen through the eyes of a lonely student who has an morbid and albeit naive fascination with death. His teacher, Koichi is also grappling with the issue of mortality as he deals with the impending death of his ailing father, who has decided to spend his final days in the family home. As the story progresses, Koichi finds unexpected solace from his grief by letting his troubled student visit and meet with his father in the hopes that he will understand the meaning of life and death.
四国の山奥にある小さな村。坊之宮家の女が代々受け継いできた狗神様。この坊之宮家は、“執りつかれると食い殺される”と、村人たちから忌み嫌われる狗神筋の家系でありながらも、村では平穏な日々を過ごしていた。 そんなある日、村に小学校教師として青年、奴田原晃が現れ、坊之宮の女・美希と関係を持ってしまう……。
Executive Producer
Rica and Kengo have been living together for the past four years. It’s been a very happy time for Rica; the only dark spot being an accident she caused during a shoot for a commercial in which Kengo’s good friend, Shibata, nearly lost his life. The memory of this event weighs heavily on Rica’s conscience. One night Kengo tells Rica that he has fallen in love with a charming but „inscrutable“ woman named Hanako.
朝男の頭の中は「女とヤリたい」でいっぱい。そんなモヤモヤが彼を異常な行動へ駆り立てていく。 『みんな〜やってるか!』は、ビートたけし監督による日本映画で初コメディ映画監督作品。1995年2月11日公開。 「北野武」名義も含めた場合は5作目に当たる。それまでは「北野武」名義で映画監督を行ってきたが、本作は初の「ビートたけし」名義での製作となった。そのため「ビートたけし第一回監督作品」と銘打たれる(日本国外では、北野武名義の作品となっている)。 多くの映画評論家からも黙殺されたが、淀川長治は「斎藤寅次郎、マック・セネットの再来」と評価した。
Executive Producer
Maiko is a recently widowed young woman travelling to Bali to distract herself from the loss of her husband, Esau. At the airport she meets Kioko, who gives her a dagger and a photo of a woman. She tells Maiko she must find the woman, Shireni, in Bali and convince her to return to Japan, or she must use the dagger to kill her. Soon after her arrival in Bali she meets Shireni and is invited to stay with her. Quickly Maiko finds herself trapped on Shirini's island paradise, by her own confusion and her developing love for Shireni. She discovers Shireni to be immortal, a former spirit medium whose only goal is to find pleasure, body and soul.
Kazuo encounters a religious group travelling around Japan performing "miracles". He discovers they are fakes, but is intrigued by the showmanship of the group, and becomes involved with them. The group is split into two, some members concentrating on spiritual teachings, and the others using the facade of religion to make money. The business faction dismiss the old spiritual master and choose Kazuo to lead their group.
首都圏にある某都市に住む男、我妻諒介は犯罪者を追い詰めるためには暴力の行使も辞さない凶暴な刑事。その行き過ぎた捜査と粗暴な性格から、勤務する港南警察署内[3]でも危険人物として敬遠されていた。警察という組織にあって浮いた存在の我妻だったが、自身を理解してくれる数少ない同僚と他愛もない冗談を言い、ある時は酒を酌み交わし、完全な孤立は辛うじて免れていた。 そんなある日、港で麻薬売人の惨殺死体が発見される。我妻は新人の菊池を引き連れ事件の捜査を開始し、容疑者への殴る蹴るの暴行すら厭わない強硬な手段で次々と犯行グループの全貌を暴いていく。そして、覚醒剤を密売する組織の首謀者として暗躍する実業家の仁藤、その手下で殺し屋の清弘の存在をつきとめた。だがその中で我妻は、あってはならない驚愕の事実にも辿り着いてしまうのだった。
Life and love stories of stunt men and women.
飼主の大学教授が亡くなってからも、渋谷の駅で主人を待ち続けた忠犬ハチの実話を基に人間と動物の交流を描く。原作・脚本は「映画女優」の新藤兼人、監督は「旅路 村でいちばんの首吊りの木」の神山征二郎、撮影は「きみが輝くとき」の姫田真佐久がそれぞれ担当。
Tetsu gets into an argument with some Okinawa yakuza and is murdered by them. His brother Ryo comes to Okinawa shortly thereafter and teams up with Tetsu's girlfriend and Max an ex US soldier to extract revenge.
A girl whose younger brother as well as her lover were killed is drawn with a pistol in her hand.
Released after seven years in prison, an inveterate thug goes from strength to ruthless strength as he makes his way through a succession of dubious jobs, illegal schemes, and brutal romances.
In Okinawa, a Japanese-Filipino gangster named Joe kills an Okinawan mobster. Joe temporarily escapes the pursuing mob by fleeing to the Philippines, hoping to find there safety and perhaps to link up with his father. He meets Yoko, a saloon girl, who looks after him, but soon Joe's enemies show up, determined to make Joe pay.
A single mother is being investigated into the death of her ex-husband, which brings to the fore the obscure details of her past.