Ott Kilusk


The Blemished Brides
The owner of the Lipuvere farm decides to marry his daughters off to wealthy suitors from the Mulgi County. However, the hearts of the girls already belong to local boys, with whom a plan is forged to get rid of the troublesome grooms.
Fools of Fame
The feature film based on Eduard Bornhöhe's story takes the viewer to the early days of the 20th century, when Estonia was still part of the tsarist Russia. Pride in one's nation was emerging and the desire to give something eternal to one's people at any cost - be it a miracle machine flying in the air or valuable literature written in the language of the country. Unfortunately, it was not that easy and sometimes there was lack of talent.
Estonian Funeral
A wide range of relatives and acquaintances have traveled to a funeral, and as is typical of Estonians, the sad event turns into a comical one as the evening develops. The primordial disputes that arise among the Estonians take on hyperbolic dimensions as events unfold, creating misunderstandings.