Ji-woo, an outcast at a prestigious private school, meets Hak-sung, the school janitor who is actually a mathematical genius who defected from North Korea.
Seon-hee is a high school girl who used to tell lies to get her friends’ attention. She leaves Seoul guilt-ridden when her friend Jung-mee kills herself because of Seon-hee’s lies. In the countryside where no one knows her, Seon-hee begins a new life as ‘Seul-ki’.
Chul-jin's Mother
Pastor Park is head of a religious investigation center that exposes cults and cult leaders. While looking into a suspicious new religion called Deer Mount, he slowly uncovers clues that connect this cult to a series of mysterious cases of missing teenage girls when a body is found inside a damaged tunnel beams. He begins to uncover dark secrets surrounding this cult and its enforcer Na-han.
Young-ju lives with her little brother after losing her parents in a traffic accident. She would even give up her studies to care for her brother. But as life gets more difficult, Young-ju decides to visit the perpetrator in the accident that killed her parents.
A corrupt prosecutor plans for revenge against Hyun-jung's crime organization by using her loyal partner, Sang-hoon.
「ビューティー・インサイド」のハン・ヒョジュが主演し、1943年の日本統治下の朝鮮を舞台に、時代に翻弄されながらも歌と愛に生涯をささげた妓生(キーセン)たちの生き様を描いたドラマ。美貌と優れた歌唱力から最高の歌姫と称されるソユルと、心に響く天性の歌声を持つヨニ。幼なじみの親友同士である2人は京城唯一の妓生養成学校の同期からも羨望を受ける存在だった。2人の才能と美貌に一目を置く作曲家のユヌが、ヨニの歌声に魅了されていく現実を前に、歌手になることを夢見るソユルのヨニへの嫉妬心が次第に芽生え、3人の運命が少しずつ狂い始めていく。ハン・ヒョジュがソユル役を演じるほか、作曲家ユヌ役を「応答せよ1994」のユ・ヨンソク、ヨニ役を「ハン・ゴンジュ 17歳の涙」のチョン・ウヒがそれぞれ演じる。
Young-shin's Mother
To save a girl in danger, a priest and deacon jump into a mysterious case.
Supermarket Owner
In a tilting and subsiding town, everybody has left. Jae-ah is still waiting for her brother to come back. She lives in the shadow of fear, as her house begins to tilt.
Soojeong believes that she is cursed: she can’t remember her schoolwork, she has near constant pain in her stomach, her little brother has stopped growing and real estate prices are plummeting. There seems to be a crack in her mind, the size of the hole in her heart left by her missing dog. While her parents vigorously pray and cover everything in green, her brother patiently follows her everywhere, trying to bring Soojeong back to reality.