Corey Millar

出生 : , Belfast, Northern Ireland


Corey is an actor based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He attended The Rainbow Factory for young amateur actors for a number of years, practising with theatre and improvisation as well as voice acting. Since 2011, he has starred and collaborated in multiple high profile TV shows such as Line of Duty, Krypton, Dublin Murders and most notably playing a reoccurring role in the hit TV series Game of Thrones as a Lannister Guard. He attended such acting studios such as Diane Graham's Acting for Adults in Belfast, A Company of Wolves Improvisation workshop in Glasgow and David Scott's Intensive Acting School in Dublin. He has went on to star in numerous short films, indie features, documentaries and commercial projects. As well as this, he has been a presenter for projects such as Integrated Education in Northern Ireland and a True North pilot episode. He is an avid director and writer too.


1995年、同性愛が違法でなくなってから2年後のアイルランド。同性愛者への差別や偏見が根強く残る田舎町で、自身がゲイであることを受け入れられない高校生・エディと、レズビアンであることを隠しているクラスメイトのアンバー。家族や同級生にセクシュアリティを悟られないように平穏に卒業を迎えるため、2人は“ニセモノの恋人”を演じることに! 性格も趣味も全く違う2人だったが、ぶつかり合いながらも、悩みや夢、秘密を打ち明けるうちに、唯一ありのままの自分をさらけ出せる、かけがえのない存在になっていく。しかし、一緒に訪れた都会・ダブリンで、運命的な出会いによって新たな世界に触れた2人は、“理想的”だったこの関係にも終わりが近づいていることに気づいてしまい…。