Key Costumer
Costume Supervisor
Costume Supervisor
A young inductee into the military is given the task of looking after some chimpanzees used in the mysterious 'Project X'. Getting to know the chimps fairly well, he begins to suspect there is more to the secret project than he is being told.
Costume Supervisor
It's 1961, two years after the original Grease gang graduated, and there's a new crop of seniors and new members of the coolest cliques on campus, the Pink Ladies and T-Birds. Michael Carrington is the new kid in school - but he's been branded a brainiac. Can he fix up an old motorcycle, don a leather jacket, avoid a rumble with the leader of the T-Birds, and win the heart of Pink Lady Stephanie?
Wardrobe Master
レイモンド・チャンドラーの傑作ハードボイルド小説をノスタルジックな雰囲気で映画化。名優ロバート・ミッチャムが孤高のヒーロー・フィリップ・マーロウを演じるハードボイルド・ミステリー。 1941年のロサンゼルス。ある女性の調査を依頼された私立探偵マーロウは、わずかな手がかりをもとに行方を追う。調査が難航するなか、マーロウは次々と事件に巻き込まれ、命まで狙われる。警察にも追われながら、事件の核心に迫る。