Drama - This Israeli drama tells the story of three men living in Tel Aviv. They set off to attend a funeral. Unfortunately, they cannot find the right cemetery. Later the story shifts to their complex love lives. - Gabi Beniashvilly, Samuel Calderon, Helena Cherkasov
Chappy Sinclair is called to gather together a mixed Soviet/U.S. strike force that will perform a surgical strike on a massively defended nuclear missile site in the Middle East. Chappy finds that getting the Soviet and U.S. Pilots to cooperate is only the most minor of his problems as he discovers someone in the Pentagon is actively sabotaging his mission.
A confrontation between two enemies. One is a young, captured Israeli agent and the other an older Arab inspector who tries to get the agent talk by making him regain his desire to live.
A study of conscience set against the trial of Eichmann in Israel.
German Mercenary
In 1948, immediately before a ceasefire takes effect, four volunteers fighting for Israel are ordered to take Hill 24, overlooking the road to Jerusalem.