Sam, a seemingly poised and glamorous real estate agent in a small mountain community, is revealed to be an unhinged and troubled alcoholic with a dark secret, when a charismatic man named Peter shows up in town one day. As she tries to keep her life from unravelling, an older co-worker named Brenda is targeted by Peter for information at the behest of his powerful and shadowy boss, Mr. Lock.
Sam, a seemingly poised and glamorous real estate agent in a small mountain community, is revealed to be an unhinged and troubled alcoholic with a dark secret, when a charismatic man named Peter shows up in town one day. As she tries to keep her life from unravelling, an older co-worker named Brenda is targeted by Peter for information at the behest of his powerful and shadowy boss, Mr. Lock.
Faithful servant Nelly houses the forlorn Lockwood at Wuthering Heights, recounting the tale of Heathcliff, Cathy, and their obsessive love, spanning generations of vengeance and despair in an adaptation of Emily Brontë’s novel.
A man on his death bed relives memories of a past relationship and struggles with his own life choices. As he moves through the consequences of his decisions, he deals with regret and the possibilities of what could've been, all while coming to terms with his fate.