Jared O'Brien


Foley Artist
Since losing her husband, Sophie has struggled to manage grief, a full-time job, and parenting her devastated daughter, but when a former physicist reveals a secret time-bending machine, Sophie will be faced with an impossible choice.
Distancing Socially
Foley Mixer
Composed of a series of short vignettes that share a telecommunications application as a common thread, Distancing Socially focuses on loosely connected human interactions taking place virtually across a world in lock down.
Wanton Want
Sound Designer
An affectless writer is lured to a couples weekend getaway by his wife and friends, only to uncover a tumultuous secret and a perilous obsession that threaten to change the course of his life in intense and surprising ways.
Foley Mixer
主人公のべイダが通う高校で、ある日銃乱射事件が発生。偶然トイレにいたべイダは居合わせたミア 、クイントンと 3 人で身を潜めるが、到着した保安官と犯人との間で銃撃戦に発展する。そして、惨劇を生き延びた彼らを、新たな悲劇が待ち受けていた―。