Emi Mori

Emi Mori


Emi Mori


中学三年生の冬に両親が他界し、地元の大地主に養子として引き取られた雪那(ゆきな)は、高校生活が始まると同時に学校を休みがちになる。 雪那の異変に気付いた幼馴染の同級生・馨(かおる)は、雪那を取り巻く現実を知り自分の無力さに苛まれていた。 16歳の夏。 田舎町を少し外れた夕暮れの道路で、雪那は交通事故に遭ってしまう。彼女が目を覚ましたと聞き病院に駆けつけた馨が目にしたのは、記憶を失った幼馴染の姿。 他愛ない会話が弾む休み時間。いつもと同じメンバーで過ごす放課後。当たり前に続くはずだった時間が二人に訪れることはなかった。 10年の歳月が経った冬の東京。 喪失感と後悔を胸に秘めたまま、一人暮らしていた馨は、偶然雪那と再会する。 「私と一緒に、嘘をついてくれませんか?」 全てを抱えたまま生きてきた青年が、全てを忘れてしまった幼馴染と再び故郷へ帰る。 ひとつの嘘と共に ー
Instead of worrying about his future, Takuya aimlessly spends his time with his high school classmates. After a tragic accident, he decides to keep a promise that he made a long time ago: His friend’s porn collection must disappear before his parents find it!
High schooler Shiori lives with her education-minded mother. Struggling with her life in Tokyo, she travels on behalf of her grandmother to the mystical island Yakushima, where she meets a robot.
High school film club member Maki shot a local tourism promotional video with her friends, but she wasn't happy with the mediocre outcome. One day, Maki comes up with a new idea and decides to reshoot the video at camp during spring vacation. The camp starts off with help from Misako, who works as an idol, and former video director Hirokazu.
My brother died and my parents were deceived by a scammer, but he seemed happy, and I don't know if that's a good thing.