Bert Williams

出生 : 1922-04-12, Newark, New Jersey, USA

死亡 : 2001-01-31


Old Cop
Public Access
Bob Hodges
Brewster seems to be an almost too perfect example of idyllic small-town America, with everyone living in peace and harmony. So when newcomer Whiley Pritcher starts up his own local cable TV show with the question "what's wrong with Brewster?", there surely can't be any deep dark secrets in the town that are just waiting to come to the surface - or can there? And when the question becomes "who's wrong with Brewster?" things start getting seriously nasty.
Project Eliminator
Doc Holiday
A scientist working in a top-secret government weapons technology research becomes so disillusioned that he destroys his latest creation: an ultra-sophisticated flying attack laser. Soon, terrorists who want him to re-create the invention kidnap him. A shady government contact recruits two veteran Special Forces operatives Ron Morrell and John Slade who soon find themselves in a frantic race against the clock to rescue the scientist and keep his deadly knowledge a secret.
No Secrets
Old Man in Store
Three childhood girlfriends reunite at the parents' remote cottage where they try and come to grips with their separate development and diverging interests. Then a man with a secret shows up and lies his way into their situation. They take turns falling in love with him and then suspecting he is not being level with them, which causes a strain in their already strained relationship. Eventually they must make a decision on whether to get rid of him or flee.
Messenger of Death
Sheriff Yates
Wifes and children of the Mormon Orville Beecham become victims of a massacre in his own house. The police believes the crime had a religious motive. Orville doesn't give any comment on the case, is taken into protective custody. Journalist Smith persuades him to help him in the investigation - and finds out about economic motives for the murder.
The Man Who Broke 1,000 Chains
Police Chief
The true story of Robert Elliot Burns, the prisoner who, after being sentenced to a Georgia chain gang, attempted two daring escapes.
Penitentiary III
Tim Shoah
A man is framed for murder and sent to prison. He is beaten and tortured, then forced to fight the prison's worst killer, a martial-arts fighting midget called Thud.
Murphy's Law
Police Captain
A tough police detective escapes from custody after being framed and arrested for the murder of his ex-wife, and must now find the real killer and prove his innocence.
Commissioner Reddesdale
A tough-on-crime street cop must protect the only surviving witness to a strange murderous cult with far reaching plans.
A Rose for Emily
Doc Peabody
Townsfolk discover a warped secret while clearing out the house of a recently deceased, aristocratic spinster.
Mr. Johnson
Warren Stacy, an office equipment repairman, begins murdering women after they reject his advances. To minimize the evidence, Stacy always kills while naked, wearing nothing but gloves, and further evades the law with his strong alibis. Veteran detective Leo Kessler is convinced of Stacy's guilt and begins using questionable methods to catch him.
「荒野の七人」「ネバダ・スミス」などでスクリーンを飾り多くのファンを魅了した大スター、スティーブ・マックィーン主演による西部劇。開拓時代末期の実在の人物“トム・ホーン”をモデルに、その波乱に満ちた半生を綴る異色作。本作の後、間もなく亡くなったマックィーンの、最後の西部劇となった。 西部開拓時代末期のワイオミング州。大牧場主たちに家畜探偵として雇われたトム・ホーンは、牛泥棒たちを次々に退治してゆく。だが、容赦ないホーンのやり方に恐れを抱き始めた人々は、残酷な仕打ちを仕掛けて彼を葬り去ろうとする。
Cuba Crossing
1st Marksman
An adventurer gets caught up in a plot to kill Fidel Castro.
Midnight Madness
Security Captain
A genius grad student organizes an all-night treasure hunt in which five rival teams composed of colorful oddballs furiously match wits with one another while trying to locate and decipher various cryptic clues planted ingeniously around Los Angeles.
Wanda Nevada
Sherman Krupp - Trading Post Owner
In the American Southwest of the 1950s, middle-aged vagabond Beaudray Demerille survives as a cardsharp who moves from town to town. But his latest victory brings him unwanted spoils in the form of Wanda Nevada, a fiery 13-year-old. At first Beaudray does everything he can to ditch Wanda -- until the girl chances upon a treasure map. But Wanda and Beaudray aren't the only ones after the loot, and they must contend with a ruthless pair of crooks.
Joyride to Nowhere
Teenage friends Cindy and Leah have decided to leave their abusive homelives behind, stealing Cindy's father's car and setting out on the road to freedom. On the way, they meet up with a sleazy guy named Tank who invites them up to his place. As Tank showers, the two girls decide to take off, stealing Tank's wallet and his car. His car, however, happens to contain $2 million from a bank job he just pulled off, and Tank is now rather intent on tracking the pair down and reclaiming what's his.
Paddy Welsh
In this strange western version of Moby Dick, Wild Bill Hickok hunts a white buffalo he has seen in a dream. Hickok moves through a variety of uniquely authentic western locations - dim, filthy, makeshift taverns; freezing, slaughterhouse-like frontier towns and beautifully desolate high country - before improbably teaming up with a young Crazy Horse to pursue the creature.
Mayday at 40,000 Feet!
The co-pilot and engineer of a passenger jet struggle to keep the plane airborne after a marshal onboard, transporting a murderer to prison, has a heart attack and the killer uses his gun to shoot the captain and blow out the hydraulics.
The Amazing Howard Hughes
Mr. Hardesty
The Amazing Howard Hughes is a 1977 television movie about American aviation pioneer and filmmaker Howard Hughes, based on the book by Hughes' business partner Noah Dietrich. The film starred Tommy Lee Jones, Ed Flanders, and Tovah Feldshuh.
The City
Tour Bus Driver
Matt and Scott are two detectives trying to catch a crazy guy who has a beef with a country singer. Banks' problem with country singer, Wes Collins, is that Wes punched him in the face when he was a baby. Banks is now intent on getting revenge for this by killing Wes. Only Matt and Scott can stop him. Written by Josh Pasnak
The Big Bus
Bus Passenger
The ultimate disaster film parody. A nuclear-powered bus is making its maiden non-stop trip from New York to Denver. The journey is plagued by disasters due to the machinations of a mysterious group allied with the oil lobby. Will the down-on-his-luck driver, with a reputation for eating his passengers, be able to complete the journey?
Helter Skelter
The investigation of two horrific mass murders leads to the capture and trial of the psychotic pseudo-hippie Charles Manson and his "family".
The Klansman
A small southern town has just been rocked by a tragedy: a young woman has been violently raped. The white town fathers immediately declare that the attacker had to be black, and place the blame on Garth, a young black man. Assuming that the men in white sheets aren't intent on holding a fair and impartial trial, Garth takes to the woods as the Klansmen lynching party hunts him down.
The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds
Johnson, an agent for the Liquor Control Department, comes across the remote Cuckoo Bird Inn after escaping from a band of cut-throat moonshiners and a mysterious killer. He realizes there that he must discover the identity of the killer before the inn's demented occupants turn him into another display in the grotesque Chapel of the Dead.
The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds
Johnson, an agent for the Liquor Control Department, comes across the remote Cuckoo Bird Inn after escaping from a band of cut-throat moonshiners and a mysterious killer. He realizes there that he must discover the identity of the killer before the inn's demented occupants turn him into another display in the grotesque Chapel of the Dead.
The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds
Johnson, an agent for the Liquor Control Department, comes across the remote Cuckoo Bird Inn after escaping from a band of cut-throat moonshiners and a mysterious killer. He realizes there that he must discover the identity of the killer before the inn's demented occupants turn him into another display in the grotesque Chapel of the Dead.
The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds
Johnson, an agent for the Liquor Control Department, comes across the remote Cuckoo Bird Inn after escaping from a band of cut-throat moonshiners and a mysterious killer. He realizes there that he must discover the identity of the killer before the inn's demented occupants turn him into another display in the grotesque Chapel of the Dead.
Angel Baby
The Killer
A woman who believes she has been chosen by God to heal people is taken in by a greedy promoter and his shrewish wife to make the rounds of the rural South - she to save souls and heal the sick, he to make as much money as he possibly can.
The Wild Women of Wongo
King of Goona
On the tropical island of Wongo, a tribe of beautiful women discover that the other side of the island is inhabited by a tribe of handsome men. They also discover that a tribe of evil ape men live on the island, too, and the ape men are planning a raid on the tribe in order to capture mates.