Lizbeth Williamson


Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
When an actress is charged with murder, a charming celebrity lawyer uses trickery to defend her against the press as well as the prosecution.
Makeup Artist
The Underneath
Makeup Artist
Michael Chambers has come home to Austin, Texas to his mother who's starting a new life, to his brother whose driven by old jealousies, and to Rachel—the woman he married and then betrayed with his passion for gambling. Now she's together with Tommy, so Michael devises a plan to get Rachel out from under Tommy's control.
Makeup Artist
ニューヨーク、クイーンズ区のパトロール警官、チャーリ ー・ラングは、下町の人気者である。仕事熱心で気の優しい彼は、住民たちに親しまれている平凡な生活に満足していた。イヴォンヌ・ビアジは下町のコーヒーショップで働く、心根のいいウエイトレス。だが、別居中の夫エディの不始末を被って破産宣告を受けている身であった。 ある日、イヴォンヌの店に立ち寄ったチャーリーは、チップの持ち合わせがなく、「持っていた宝くじが当たったら、賞金の半分を君にあげる」と約束する。なんと、そのくじが400万ドルという大金に当たった。200万ドルの贈り物に、ことのほか喜ぶイヴォンヌ。おとぎ話のような逸話に、マスコミがさっそく飛びついたのだった…。
Makeup Artist
警官を殺害し死刑判決を受けた囚人マギー・ヘイワードは、政府の秘密組織の工作員にスカウトされる。 担当官ボブは、マギーの素質を見抜き”暗殺者”に育てる訓練を受けさせるが、情緒不安定で反抗的な彼女は排除されそうになる。 ボブは根気よく彼女に接し、やがて心を開いたマギーは訓練を終了し、身分を変えて社会に出て行く。 マギーは、恋人J・Pとの同棲生活を始めて、同時に任務も遂行する中で、次第に平凡な女性に戻りたいという思いが芽生える・・・。
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Undercover cop Jim Raynor (Jason Patric) is a seasoned veteran. His partner, Kristen Cates (Jennifer Jason Leigh), is lacking in experience, but he thinks she's tough enough to work his next case with him: a deep cover assignment to bring down the notoriously hard-to-capture drug lord Gaines (Gregg Allman). While their relationship turns romantic during the assignment, they also turn into junkies, and will have to battle their own addictions if they want to bring down Gaines once and for all.
Drop Dead Fred
Key Makeup Artist
When Elizabeth returns to her mother's home after her marriage breaks up, she recreates her imaginary childhood friend, Fred, to escape from the trauma of losing her husband and her job. In between the chaos and mayhem that Fred creates, Elizabeth attempts to win back her husband and return to normality.
Kill Me Again
Makeup Artist
After Faye and her psychotic boyfriend, Vince, successfully rob a mob courier, Faye decides to abscond with the loot. She heads to Reno, where she hires feckless private investigator Jack Andrews to help fake her death. He pulls the scheme off and sets up Faye with a new identity, only to have her skip out on him without paying. Jack follows her to Vegas and learns he's not the only one after her. Vince has discovered that she's still alive.
Makeup Artist
Portland, Oregon, 1971. Bob Hughes is the charismatic leader of a peculiar quartet, formed by his wife, Dianne, and another couple, Rick and Nadine, who skillfully steal from drugstores and hospital medicine cabinets in order to appease their insatiable need for drugs. But neither fun nor luck last forever.
Makeup Artist
The Supernaturals
Assistant Makeup Artist
Nichelle Nichols is an army sergeant who leads her platoon into the woods of the deep south on a training exercise. Unfortunately, it is the site where a bunch of yankee soldiers murdered a town of confederates. The corpses of the dead soldiers rise up to wreak revenge.
Echo Park
Makeup Artist
In the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, everybody is somebody else. May, a single mother who delivers strip-O-grams, dreams of being an actress. She rents one of her rooms out to a pizza-man cum songwriter named Jonathan. Meanwhile, in the next apartment, August, an Austrian bodybuilder, fancies himself the next Arnold Schwarzenegger. As the pressures of everyday life in LA mount, Jonathan and August vie for May's love.
Choose Me
Makeup & Hair
Several lost-soul night-owls, including a nightclub owner, a talkback radio relationships counseller, and an itinerant stranger have encounters that expose their contradictions and anxieties about love and acceptance.