Eric Bergman


Bug Therapy
Citronella, a mosquito who faints at the sight of blood, nervously waits outside her first group therapy session, while the Pill Bug therapist, Dr. Pill tries to calm a neurotic group of bugs, each suffering from a mental-health issue: An OCD germaphobic Fly freaks when he runs out of hand sanitizer. A Dragonfly couple struggle with co-dependency; she's literally on top of him. A Grasshopper, addicted to coffee, is so jumpy, he launches himself in mid-sentence. A Praying Mantis who doesn't pray because she thinks she is God. A terrified Spider is deathly afraid of -- spiders. And, a perfectly-camouflaged Stick Bug complains that no one ever "sees" him. Throughout all this, Citronella battles her urge to flee - while Dr. Pill implores her to share her "embarrassing" problem.
Production Manager
Seven years since the Monsterpocalypse began, Joel Dawson has been living underground in order to survive. But after reconnecting over radio with his high school girlfriend Aimee, Joel decides to venture out to reunite with her, despite all the dangerous monsters that stand in his way.
PUSH 光と闇の能力者
Production Manager
政府に特殊能力者として開発された人間と、彼らの能力を利用したい当局との攻防を描くSFサイキック・アクション。『ラッキーナンバー7』の俊英ポール・マクギガンが、第二次世界大戦時に実際に育成されていたという超能力スパイの逸話を基に映画化。主演は、『ファンタスティック・フォー [超能力ユニット]』のクリス・エヴァンスと『宇宙戦争』のダコタ・ファニング。葛藤(かっとう)する能力者の姿や、スタイリッシュなアクションに注目。