Ayumi Taguchi


濃蜜舌技 めくりあげる
A woman wants to throw herself off a bridge after her boyfriend of two years breaks things off with her. The guy who stops her from doing so is looking for his ex-girlfriend, who he is planning to kill. The woman makes off with his gun and from then on plans to kill her ex as well.
これが仮面ライダー BLACK だ!
Katsumi Kida
仮面ライダーBLACKの放映直前に放送されたTVスペシャル。原作者の故 石ノ森章太郎先生のインタビューや出演者のオーディション風景など貴重な映像が満載。小野寺丈氏が進行役で登場。
Pinku eiga by Masafumi Fuchii