Mark Adams


Real Love
It follows Kendra as she sets off on her own for the first time to college. When she meet's her film class partner Ben, she tries her hardest to keep things professional.
The Christmas Contest
Exes Lara and Ben compete in a Christmas contest to win money for the charity of their choosing. The city watches them battle and choose what is more important, victory or love.
G.I.ジョー 漆黒のスネークアイズ
Assistant Editor
ハズブロ社のアクションフィギュアをもとに、戦闘のエキスパートチーム「G.I.ジョー」と悪の組織「コブラ」の戦いを描くアクション大作「G.I.ジョー」シリーズの3作目。シリーズの人気キャラクターでもある漆黒の忍者スネークアイズを主人公に、マスクで顔を隠し謎に包まれたスネークアイズがいかに誕生したかを描く。日本の闇の組織からある男の命を救ったスネークアイズは、秘密忍者組織「嵐影」への入門を許可される。600年にわたり日本の平和を守ってきた嵐影だったが、悪の抜け忍組織と国際テロ集団「コブラ」の連合軍による攻撃にさらされ、危機に瀕していた。スネークアイズは嵐影の3つの試練を乗り越え真の忍者となり、世界を守るため戦う。日本が主な舞台となり、ハリウッド映画史上最大規模ともいわれる日本ロケを敢行。「るろうに剣心」シリーズのアクションも手がけた谷垣健治がスタントコーディネーター、アクション監督として参加し、平岳大、安部春香、石田えりら日本人キャストも出演。監督を「RED レッド」「ダイバージェント」シリーズのロベルト・シュベンケが務め、「クレイジー・リッチ!」のヘンリー・ゴールディングがスネークアイズ役を務めた。
Falling for You
While planning a fundraising event, a small New England town’s radio station manager meets her match in a visiting businessman who can’t seem to see beyond the screen of his laptop computer, until she ropes him into participating in her bachelor bake-off to help save the station.
Winter's Dream
Former professional skier Kat works as a ski aid and ski shop worker at Bliss Mountain, where she prepares for a Winterfest to drum up business for the quaint town. Widowed father Ty and his daughter Anna come from New York to train with ski champion (and Kat’s former teammate) Maddy, and quickly connect with Kat when Maddy’s coaching style proves to be too aggressive for Anna. A spark forms between Kat and Ty as Kat coaches Anna and prepares for Winterfest with Ty. When a fall down the hill causes Anna to rethink the race and plan to go home early with Ty, though, Kat may lose both her new relationship and her rekindled confidence as a coach. Kat, Ty and Anna must all look deep within to conquer their fears and push forward.
Miss Christmas
Holly Khun, known to Chicago as “Miss Christmas,” always finds a beautiful tree for the plaza, but this year’s was damaged, and the lighting ceremony is in 10 days. Hoping for a miracle, she combs through fan mail, and finds Joey McNary of Klaus, Wisconsin, has the perfect tree. Off she goes to Klaus, where she meets Joey’s handsome dad Sam.
Garage Sale Mystery: Murder Most Medieval
Assistant Editor
Jennifer finds the body of a local college history professor hidden in a suit of armor she purchased. After the professor's teaching assistant becomes the next victim, Jennifer finds herself caught in a killer's web of dangerous lies.